Auteur Sujet: Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty  (Lu 29825 fois)

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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #15 le: 08 janvier 2018 à 00:58:48 »
Taco, do all your computers have over 2/4 GB ram then?

(I have not being using Virtualbox for a while either, I'm waiting to find time to repair a laptop which has resource in it, but a faulty gpu, to do so).

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Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #16 le: 08 janvier 2018 à 02:18:33 »
Hi Mélodie,

The computer with Vbox and Bento-openbox-14.04.5_2-x86_64 has 8gb of ram.  It works fine  :)
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #17 le: 08 janvier 2018 à 06:14:03 »
Hello Taco.22,

it seems very good, you didn't find any glitch whatsoever in this new remix then? Hopefully none of the new ISOs have any issue, they are just simple updates from the previous ones.

Best regards,
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Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #18 le: 08 janvier 2018 à 16:43:01 »
Hi Mélodie,

Well I've got Bento in both VBox and VMware!  I had forgotten that I had installed VMware - it was a while back.  Anyway, I realised that File-roller is missing from Bento-openbox-14.04.5_2-x86_64.  If you are going to fix that you may as well add make and gcc.  I would still recommend deleting Software Center as that has been dropped from 16.04 anyway.

I'm having issues trying getting conky and pcmanfm to play nicely.  The first thing I do with an OB spin is replace the ~/.config/openbox folder with my own custom version.  Have done so for many years - all my mini distros based on Debian, PCLinuxOS and Ubuntu have had this set of files.  What I had forgotten is that that masks any issues with conky and pcmanfm's role as keeper of the desktop.  Your default Openbox files use symbolic links that link back to somewhere (I have forgotten exactly where) in the system.  So by replacing those files with copies that aren't links solved the issue - conky now works.  Now for some reason I can't get the custom action in pcmanfm that uses feh to set wallpaper to work.  This is the default version of Bento in VMware.  The same version in VBox has had my standard treatment done and has no issues, as have all the installed Bento systems on our real computers.   

Of course it could be just me!!  Conky is an integral part of my "desktop", and I have no requirement for a desktop manager - no icons or folders or other crud.  I actually find that Thunar is a better match because there are no desktop conflict issues that you get with pcmanfm.  But everything is always a compromise.  If you want icons you need pcmanfm.  If you want conky as well then there is conflict.  I remember this when LXDE first came out - it never really got sorted.

Anyway, as is the system works just fine.  Just me being awkward   ;D

Salut Mélodie,

Eh bien, j'ai Bento à la fois dans VBox et VMware! J'avais oublié que j'avais installé VMware - c'était il y a longtemps. Quoi qu'il en soit, j'ai réalisé que File-roller est absent de Bento-openbox-14.04.5_2-x86_64. Si vous voulez corriger cela, vous pouvez aussi ajouter make et gcc. Je recommanderais quand même de supprimer Software Center car il a été supprimé de 16.04 de toute façon.

J'ai des problèmes en essayant de faire en sorte que conky et pcmanfm jouent bien. La première chose que je fais avec un spin OB est de remplacer le dossier ~ / .config / openbox avec ma propre version personnalisée. Je l'ai fait pendant de nombreuses années - toutes mes mini distributions basées sur Debian, PCLinuxOS et Ubuntu ont eu cet ensemble de fichiers. Ce que j'avais oublié, c'est que cela masque tout problème avec le rôle de conky et pcmanfm en tant que gardien du bureau. Vos fichiers Openbox par défaut utilisent des liens symboliques qui pointent vers quelque part (j'ai oublié exactement où) dans le système. Donc, en remplaçant ces fichiers par des copies qui ne sont pas des liens résolus, le problème - conky fonctionne maintenant. Maintenant, pour une raison quelconque, je ne peux pas obtenir l'action personnalisée dans pcmanfm qui utilise feh pour définir le papier peint pour travailler. C'est la version par défaut de Bento dans VMware. La même version dans VBox a fait faire mon traitement standard et n'a aucun problème, comme tous les systèmes Bento installés sur nos vrais ordinateurs.

Bien sûr, ça pourrait être juste moi !! Conky fait partie intégrante de mon "bureau", et je n'ai pas besoin d'un gestionnaire de bureau - pas d'icônes ou de dossiers ou d'autres crud. En fait, je trouve que Thunar est une meilleure correspondance car il n'y a pas de problèmes de conflit de bureau que vous obtenez avec pcmanfm. Mais tout est toujours un compromis. Si vous voulez des icônes, vous avez besoin de pcmanfm. Si vous voulez conky aussi, il y a conflit. Je me souviens de ça quand LXDE est sorti - il n'a jamais vraiment été trié.

Quoi qu'il en soit, comme le système fonctionne très bien. Juste moi étant maladroit  ;D

What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #19 le: 08 janvier 2018 à 17:20:14 »
Hi Taco,

I'll take your thoughts in consideration, but not for the software-center : it's not just been dropped, it's been replaced with a gnome software center, which is not too bad once you get used to this different presentation.

About the default files:

you get .config/openbox and also .config/pcmanfm and also .config/libfm, which is the directory of the pcmanfm library.

Ok, now this said, you can always revert as you well know... getting them back from /etc/skel.

In .config/openbox the symlinks just point to the sub-directory .config/openbox/lang which is where are the files for the openbox menus shortcuts language. You might give it a try, once the files are again there, right click on the desktop and see : it's default is English. Other options are French and German (this latter, not quite up to date, I fear).

You ALSO have *readme files* in the directory, where you have all explanations about how to set it up to your liking! And in the autostart file under .config/openbox, you have plenty comments, default in English, to help you make it as you like!

1 ) you don't need feh, hsetroot does the same job, and is default installed for it's needed by openbox to get a dark splash instead of grey.
2 ) you can use idesk - program to show icons on the desktop

how to configure it? Once idesk is started, go into it's ~/.idesk directory, look at the examples and from there add the icons you want (manually) on the desktop. This is how I had done a pclinuxos kde with xsnow running in it, back in time. :D
(still keeping a copy, as it was a unique one with a very special setup/and look and feel :

(xsnow needs a root background to work… Then even now in all Bento you can have 2 different setups, just look into the default menu.xml file, you'll find some tricks there with the tags containing "xsnow", and also the related bash script to start/stop xsnow in /usr/local/bin … it just needs to install xsnow from the respos).

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Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #20 le: 09 janvier 2018 à 16:22:28 »
Hi Mélodie,

For wallpaper hsetroot doesn't do images unless they are BMP format.  Feh works fine in conjunction with both PCmanFM  and Thunar.  I remember playing with iDesk and Thunar many years ago, but I have no interest in icons - I prefer a clean desktop.  I have done a couple of versions of Bento where I have replaced PCmanFM with Thunar.  That gets rid of any desktop conflict or issues - well it works for me!  It actually takes me back to those first builds at PCLinuxOS - amongst them Blackcat, an OB astronomy spin.  That was eight or nine years ago  :o

But I digress.  One other piece of software missing from Bento is extlinux - unetbootin needs it to load an ISO onto a usb stick.
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #21 le: 10 janvier 2018 à 00:24:03 »
Hi Taco,

hsetroot does power the background image in Bento Sushi, it's a jpg image. Here an extract from the /etc/skel/.config/openbox/lang/autostart-en:

# root desktop, test
#hsetroot -solid '000000'
hsetroot -extend /usr/share/bento/backgrounds/wall4.jpg

it would make me happy that you would try the default configurations I put in both the full Bento and the Sushi version, and which have request loads of work to refine.  :)

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

Hors ligne Taco.22

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #22 le: 10 janvier 2018 à 06:31:07 »
Hi Mélodie,

I stand corrected - hsetroot can use other file formats.  I couldn't find that line you quoted anywhere but I did try it in my own config.  It worked but didn't play so well with my rc.xml.

Have no fear, I am working with your clean version of Bento, as well as playing with others.  I have about six different machines on VBox, and it is by messing with things that I notice discrepancies.  I noticed another small omission - brasero-cdrkit.  This allows Brasero to turn a live CD into an ISO9660 file.  I just found a couple of old CDs and converted them - one was the final Blackcat Astro and the other was good old Bonsai!  It's good to have them back in the collection.

Bento performs fine - there are no glitches with the system.  As for software inclusions - make, gcc, file-roller, extlinux and brasero-cdrkit.

Could I suggest that you delete Startup Disk Creator - pkg usb-creator-gtk.  I have found it to be unreliable and there are quite a few complaints online.  I have found that unetbootin has always done a good job, regardless of platform, and it's in the repo.

P.S - I also tried booting Bento live in French.  Looked all French to me - couldn't understand a word, so it must have worked  ;D     
« Modifié: 10 janvier 2018 à 07:19:55 par Taco.22 »
What can go wrong !!!

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #23 le: 10 janvier 2018 à 17:10:32 »
Hi Mélodie,

I stand corrected - hsetroot can use other file formats.  I couldn't find that line you quoted anywhere but I did try it in my own config.  It worked but didn't play so well with my rc.xml.

Hi Taco,

well, open the console, then type or copy/paste:

cd .config/openbox/lang then

mcedit autostart-en
then you can read the content of the file and search for that line.

Have no fear, I am working with your clean version of Bento, as well as playing with others.

have you read the text in the readme file in English which is located in .config/openbox ?

I have about six different machines on VBox, and it is by messing with things that I notice discrepancies.  I noticed another small omission - brasero-cdrkit.  This allows Brasero to turn a live CD into an ISO9660 file.  I just found a couple of old CDs and converted them - one was the final Blackcat Astro and the other was good old Bonsai!  It's good to have them back in the collection.

Bento performs fine - there are no glitches with the system.  As for software inclusions - make, gcc, file-roller, extlinux and brasero-cdrkit.

It's probably missing due to the rule of the "less than 700MB" which I continue to apply. Perhaps it might be best if you opened a specific thread to list applications (one per line) which you would want absolutely to see in a middle version. (Bento Maki).

The rules are roughly : final ISO less than 700MB (I use the xz compression and other things to compress max, so I can't do more on this part), easy for all users, respect the laws (some tools such as libdvdcss2 need to be installed later by the user or by the helpers of the users, just go to /usr/share/libdvdread4 and check the information there).

Could I suggest that you delete Startup Disk Creator - pkg usb-creator-gtk.  I have found it to be unreliable and there are quite a few complaints online.  I have found that unetbootin has always done a good job, regardless of platform, and it's in the repo.

Good idea, we will gain space. If you open a thread related to applications to be added, I would also welcome a section of what could be removed.

Thanks for these good ideas!

P.S - I also tried booting Bento live in French.  Looked all French to me - couldn't understand a word, so it must have worked  ;D

not completely, the right-click menu on the desktop is in English until you switch willingly with the menu meant for, and the "Quit" displays "shutdown" instead of "éteindre". There is more French once installed, but even then the language gtk tool to remove English and install missing language packages needs to be used.
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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Nouvelles et dernières Bento Openbox Remix version Trusty
« Réponse #24 le: 12 janvier 2018 à 03:58:32 »

here is the last x86_64 edition:

new added packages are:

I has also been updated, so there is a new kernel. It's size is now exactly 700MB.

It's opened for tests and comments before the i386 follows.


Cette nouvelle version contient les paquets listés ci-dessus, elle est disponible pour être testée et commentée, avant que la version i386 ne suive !

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