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Hors ligne melodie

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Bento 2 mini
« le: 18 avril 2013 à 00:36:29 »

I an attempt to reduce the size, and the weight on resource, I have started to strip the full bento2 to make one, then another lighter Bento2 mini.

Here are some information about it:
Bento mini -,296.0.html

A smaller and lighter version will be available by tomorrow. For now the first "small" is 550 MB and is online. It is still big and heavy yet.

Removed all Libreoffice, Software Center, update-manager and update-notifier and a few daemons which where not really necessary for a fast start.

(In the above link, the copy of the logs are in English, which can give you an idea about what has been removed so far).

The links are here:

The 550 MB has network manager which works fine, and the 537 MB has wicd-gtk which I don't know if it works fine in the Live, now... this needs to be tested.

« Modifié: 20 décembre 2013 à 02:09:56 par mélodie »
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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #1 le: 18 avril 2013 à 13:21:41 »
Please forgive me if I am not understanding what you are doing, but how are we to update and keep the distro current without having the software center and update-manager?


The software center is a tool for the newcomers who don't know which ones are the available and needed applications available in GNU/Linux, it is also for the advanced users who are curious about apps they don't yet know, and who have machines with large resource (I'd say minimum 2 GB and a dual core, better than 2 GB if possible) and it is a wonderful tool for Canonical to make money selling programs which may be free or not free (as in freedom).

Update notifier is for the very newcomers who don't know the distribution need to be checked with updates. Even with the update-notifier some newcomers don't even notice it in the panel, and use their machines without caring about that. (I can tell you as I am experiencing this with people around).

Now the answers to your question:
To update with a gui : open Synaptic, press the button Reload which is at the top left of the windows, then click the button update, then mark all, apply, apply (does'nt that remind you something?) - Synaptic is in the preferences menu instead of the system menu... this would need to be corrected.

To update with a console : open a console, type "sudo -s" and type in your password to get a root console, then type:
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

once finished, type exit.

Or do the same without "sudo -s", instead type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".

In PCLinuxOS it works exactly the same way sudo excepted. (The Debian Synaptic, originally written for the deb distros, is however faster than the one adapted for apt-rpm).

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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #2 le: 21 avril 2013 à 11:20:04 »
Ok now I understand.  Synaptic is still there.

Thank you for explaining this.  :)

Sure, you are welcome. And wait to see what the next one will look like!  :D

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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #3 le: 22 avril 2013 à 00:38:18 »
For next mini version I try to remove apport and it's depends, as well as humanity-icon-theme and gnome-icon-theme. This does not pull away anything else, so I am willing to see how it goes without these two sets of icons.

As a reminder, the faenza icon theme which I installed as a background to the blue faenza icon theme, is a very big package and it seems to provide really all the icons in the menus.

The version is again updated. It will still need to be tested. I am undecided yet to wether I leave wicd-gtk and wicd to manage the connection, or if I revert back to network-manager. Therefore I will welcome all help with testing the next version.

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #4 le: 22 avril 2013 à 05:32:54 »

It's hard to judge the lineage of your bento2-mini isos by their "version" numbers. One has to go by the dates. Here's what I mean:

bento2-mini-12.04-i386.iso     13-Apr-2013
bento2-mini-2.12.04.i386.iso   17-Apr-2013
bento2-mini-3.12.04.i386.iso   22-Apr-2013

The 3.12.04 version (22-Apr-2013) has no corresponding md5sum file.

EDIT: Nevermind. It's there now.
EDIT2: Cannot download it.

« Modifié: 22 avril 2013 à 05:40:29 par djohnston »

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #5 le: 22 avril 2013 à 08:19:13 »
Hello djohnston! :)

This is the same old story, I had not finished uploading and I take advantage of a misconfiguration in the server : the files have to get their permissions corrected by hand before being available. So I first login with ssh and check the md5sum file. It has failed only once in many years, and I check it each time.

I announce it now : the bento2-mini-3 i386 version is available! :)

Please don't worry about the lineage... the dates are written on the server, and they all come from the same build directory, which started tiny with the non official Ubuntu Mini Remix, became a full version and is now stripped little by little. (I think I don't want to strip this one more, else it might loose it's soul).



The 3.12.04 version (22-Apr-2013) has no corresponding md5sum file.

my lftp command line is usually and I can say always, of the shape "mput -c file.iso file.md5sum" therefore the iso being larger than the md5sum file, the md5sum file will be there only after the iso has finished uploading.

EDIT2: Cannot download it.

<mode my_life=on>Sometimes this situation can last several hours. I usually start fiddling with the build after dinner, stay late on it, then once tested and redone a pair of times for some details forgotten, I start upload and go to sleep</mode=off>


« Modifié: 22 avril 2013 à 08:26:57 par mélodie »
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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #6 le: 22 avril 2013 à 22:40:50 »
I got it downloaded, so all is well. I will be testing wicd on two wireless setups.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #7 le: 29 avril 2013 à 00:30:15 »

I am looking forward to your comments and among else I wonder what you will think about the panels setups ?

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Re : Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #8 le: 02 mai 2013 à 04:15:31 »

I am looking forward to your comments and among else I wonder what you will think about the panels setups ?

Sorry, Mel. I know I promised to test it earlier. I'm having problems with that iso. However, I think they're compounded by hardware errors. The CD drive may be on the fritz. I'll have to run more tests. I ran a memtest check and one stick out of two came up bad. Since it's only 512 MB, that left me with 256MB. I found two more 512MB sticks, but the machine just won't read more than 512MB of RAM. So, I have 512MB (one stick) in it again, and am running memtest again.

Here's the deal. After I could not get a good boot from CD, burned to three different disks, I burned it to a USB thumbdrive. What I'm getting is loss of video halfway through the boot. The monitor starts showing a floating 'OUT OF SYNC RANGE" error. The machine has an ATI video card and other live CDs have been tested successfully on this machine. And the monitor/graphics card combo is capable of 1280x1024/24 bits.

When I booted a second time from the USB stick, I escaped out of the Plymouth splash and watched the error messages. I'm getting an error on ZRAM load (no problem there), but I'm also getting an error on fallback video drivers. I think that's a problem. There's one other error, but I don't remember now what it is.

After memtest has finished running, I'll run more boot tests. May have to replace the CD drive.

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #9 le: 02 mai 2013 à 09:50:38 »
Hi djohnston,

I have uploaded a new one last night, switched back to network-manager-gnome because wicd would not allow getting the connection with wifi, (mimas reported), removed the French locales, because just for a little applet the distro needs to install full blown gnome-icon-theme and humanity icon theme :/ so I thought regaining some space would be a good idea. It is also more up to date and even has a new kernel.

If you can find out what the error message is it might be good. I'll also find a special command line for you to try at boot. You know when you hit F6 from the second screen ? The one screen you get after you press a key on the keybaord ? Then you can add something such as "ide_generic_all=1" at the end of the command line (just before the sign '--' which ends the kernel command line) : or you hit the F key which leads to the help and special boot stanzas, then you read and you can try some of them.

Which ATI card is that ? I could test on my laptop T30 which has ATI mobility 7500 to see if I find problems. It has slow USB but it can boot to USB as well. (I burn to CD's as little as possible).

Thanks for your efforts.

« Modifié: 02 mai 2013 à 09:59:31 par mélodie »
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Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #10 le: 03 mai 2013 à 01:12:46 »

The new version online has been tested today in a T60 with an ATI card (X1300 or such) and in a T30 with an ATI mobility 7500. Both are working fine after install. The T30 displayed ugly colors at boot time when in live, but after install all is well. Both machines where installed from a USB stick setup manually.

This newer version has a newer kernel, network-manager-gnome is back, and unfortunately the gnome-icon-theme and humanity-icon-theme too, pulled in by the network-manager-gnome package. To regain space I removed the French locales which are installed if choosing the French language at install time anyway.

mousepad is the new default text editor. Both panels, xfce4-panel and tint2 are fixed in that one version.

Here are two screenshots:

Here the link to the ISO:

The PCManFM file manager has a bookmark opening on /usr/share/applications. I have noticed that just doing a drag and drop of an icon from this directory to the end of the xfce4-panel adds a launcher on the panel. This is a nice trick to avoid creating launchers one by one using the panel right-click menu (which takes longer to do). Then once all the desired launchers are added to the panel it is easy to right-click on each of them to move them where we want them to be, and also use the panel right-click preferences menu to add some items, such as separators or other items.

« Modifié: 17 octobre 2013 à 19:09:14 par mélodie »
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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #11 le: 03 mai 2013 à 05:37:14 »

I have the version 4 installed only in VirtualBox right now. I may be shifting the hardware components from the PIII to an AMD-based motherboard. Nothing here is meant as a criticism. Just comments.

The XFCE4 panel is a nice touch. Don't know if it offers any advantages over an lxpanel or not. Some app launchers I'd remove from the panel are Language Support and Keyboard Layout. The reason is that they will probably be used only once. I also moved the panel. As you can see from the screenshot below, There's some overlap between the XFCE4 panel and the tint2 panel. The install icon is also overlapped by the tint2 panel. It may not look the same on your monitor.

I've probably said this before, but I'll say it again. I don't know why the "Panel tint2" (tint2conf) in the Preferences section of the menu is installed. No changes made using the program will ever be saved until the program's author finally chooses to include that option. (Why would s/he write a configuration app that can't save any changes?)

The Application launchers bookmark in PCManFM is kind of a novel touch, but I'm not sure how it can be useful.

EDIT: Okay, I see from your post above why you made that bookmark.

Resized windows don't stay resized after a logout or reboot. Here, I have resized the PCManFM window. As long as I stay logged in, it stays the same.

After logging out and in again, the window has reverted.

Also highlighted in the screenshot above is the glaring problem with the network manager icon. It's where the mouse pointer is in the tint2 panel. I've run into this before. You have to use a certain icon set, or just learn to live with the black icon showing in the (almost) black tint2 panel. Have you ever looked at the network manager icons? /usr/bin/nm-connection-editor is what's running. The icon for the desktop file is "preferences-system-network". Do a search for "preferences-system-network" and you come up with a mixed bag of png and svg images from the Faenza, Humanity, HighContrast and LowContrast icon sets. Add more icon sets and you have even more of a mess. I've never been able to find any consistent method of displaying the network-manager icons from one icon set to another, even after modifying the desktop file. It's an exercise in futility. The program is fine. But, the choice of icons for the desktop file ...

I like having a little more control of the boot options. The Ubuntu default of hiding the GRUB boot screen is pretty tacky and useless, in my opinion. You gain an extra 5 seconds in boot time? Really? So, I used the excellent Grub Customiser you've included to change that. The default is a timeout of 0 seconds (no timeout) and don't show the boot menu. I changed that to show the menu, with a timeout of 5 seconds.

I think the default choice of magenta on light gray for the text colors is pretty tacky, too, and hard to see.

So, I changed that to white with a light-cyan highlight. I've changed my monitor's display size to 1152x864, so I changed the GRUB resolution size to match. I set the background image to the same as the desktop wallpaper.

After saving the changes and writing them to the MBR, the result is:

Okay, here, I'm just nitpicking a bit. There's no email reader installed or setup, but there's an email reader app icon in the XFCE4 panel.

The GPG key for the Ubuntu extras repo is not installed. That's easily fixed by doing a reload in Synaptic, doing a search for keyring and installing the public key.

I suspect the
d-i apt-setup/extras boolean trueline in the ubuntu.seed file in the /preseed directory of the iso image is why the extras repo is enabled.

The localechooser-data package is showing as auto-removable in Synaptic.

I suspect the
# No language support packages.
d-i pkgsel/install-language-support boolean false
section in the cli.seed file in the /preseed directory of the iso image is why the package is being shown as auto-removable.

I see that the IBus package is installed again. I suspect it's included in the default set of Ubuntu packages. I gotta ask, do you expect to have Asian language users? All IBus is good for is for use of Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, etc. character sets.

I agree with all your choices of default apps. Except, I'm sorry, but I just don't like Midori. It's a quick web browser, but it has limited flexibility compared to Firefox or Chrome. For that matter, so does Qupzilla. I see you've included the Galternatives package, as well as the Gnome Control Center, with all of Taco.22's changes. Kudos.

All in all, except for the fact that it's Ubuntu-based, it's great. I give it a 95 out of 100. I'll give it a run on bare metal, too. If I can get the damn thing to actually start on that hardware, I'll do a full installation.

« Modifié: 03 mai 2013 à 05:43:44 par djohnston »


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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #12 le: 03 mai 2013 à 21:23:00 »
Well, here goes. This is going to be another long one.

1. I corrected the problem with the size of the PCManFM window. It was a permissions error.

chmod 664 ~/.config/pcmanfm/default/desktop-items-0.conf
sudo chmod 664 /etc/skel/.config/pcmanfm/default/desktop-items-0.conf
The resized window now survives a reboot.

2. There is no clipboard manager, so I installed clipit. Wouldn't you know it, the icon in the systray is black, too. Instead of screwing around with desktop files and icons for the nm-applet and clipit, I just set the tint2 panel to completely transparent.

3. Completely removed localechooser-data package (auto-removable). Refreshed Synaptic sources and reinstalled. It is no longer showing as auto-removable.

4. lxsession-edit (Preferences > Desktop Session Settings) isn't working. It will not save any changes. If you run it from a terminal, you get the following error:

GLib-CRITICAL **: g_key_file_free: assertion `key_file != NULL' failed"
By experimenting, I discovered it is "tied" to the /etc/xdg/autostart directory. Doesn't matter if the lxsession package is installed and running or not. That leads me to the next item.

Programs are not autostarting as they should. Nothing in ~/.config/autostart works. I don't remember if it's supposed to in Openbox or not. I've been manually adding items to the ~/.config/openbox/autostart shell file to get them to autostart. Most of the stuff in /etc/xdg/autostart isn't working. I've run into this before, and I think Mr. Worthy of Shuttles is trying to tell you something. The problem with the non-starting programs lies with the desktop files in /etc/xdg/autostart. Here are the ones not working, along with the line in each desktop file that needs to be changed.

Desktop file                                                   Change needed
at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop                                  #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gnome-keyring-gpg.desktop                            #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gnome-keyring-pkcs11.desktop                        #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gnome-keyring-secrets.desktop                        #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop                             #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
gsettings-data-convert.desktop                        #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;
polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop    #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE;Unity;
user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop                            #OnlyShowIn=GNOME;LXDE;Unity;

The (Change needed) lines are currently uncommented. They will not autostart in an Openbox desktop unless they are commented.

These are working.

nm-applet.desktop           NotShowIn=KDE;
update-notifier.desktop     NotShowIn=KDE;

I got the notification daemon working by changing the desktop name. It was:

notification-daemon.desktop  OnlyShowIn=LXDE;OPENBOX;GNOME;

It should be:

I don't know what packages will overwrite the desktop files in /etc/xdg/autostart. I discovered this when I installed clipit. Normally after installing and rebooting, a security message will popup on first run and ask if you want to run it. After answering yes, it will start. It didn't popup the message or start. I looked at the desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart and it had the line:


What a load of crap. It's supposed to be desktop-agnostic. So I commented the line and rebooted. It still wouldn't start. I ended up manually adding it to the ~/.config/openbox/autostart script. Here's what's autostarting now, including the notification-daemon I got working.

What should be started that isn't? If gsettings-data-convert daemon isn't running, will (System Tools > dconf Editor, part of dconf-tools package) work?

After reading your post here, I followed the link. After reading the suggestions, I installed the jobs-admin package. If you try to make any changes, the app will crash every time. Doesn't matter if you start it from the menu or start it from a terminal as sudo. The error is:
darrel@BentoMini:~$ sudo jobs-admin
[sudo] password for darrel:
No module named pkit
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dbus/", line 607, in msg_reply_handler
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/JobsAdmin/", line 199, in error
    raise e
dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Error getting subject: Error parsing unix-process subject: Value for key `start-time' found but is of type i and type t was expected

By all other accounts, the program should work.

« Modifié: 07 mai 2013 à 21:52:10 par djohnston »


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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #13 le: 03 mai 2013 à 22:17:02 »
Nothing in ~/.config/autostart works.

Whoops! That's wrong. The stuff in ~/.config/autostart does work. I guess I'm getting confused.   :-[  ???

Hors ligne melodie

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Re : Bento 2 mini
« Réponse #14 le: 04 mai 2013 à 09:53:52 »
Just a tip : sudo should not be used to start a gui app because there is an old non solved bug in it... unless something new was done during the last years which I am not aware of. Just use "gksu" instead.

I'll have to have a close look at all what you said.

About the programs started or not from /home/user/.config/autostart : the xdg-autostart program, provided by obsession : is meant to start whatever program for which you have placed a file in /home/user/.config/autostart : have you find some which are backed up there? (looking like "file.destkop-backup"?)

obsession is installed in bento2 (see in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share/locale), and xdg-autstart is in the ~/.config/openbox/autostart file. is used to start applications for which desktop files are put into ~/.config/autostart : but, with trials and errors I have seen that for volumeicon it is a mess, for tint2 it is a mess, and for several it is a mess.

I have put into ~/.config/autostart the programs which agreed to be started from there, some I left in the ~/.config/openbox/autostart and some I have not changed because were working ok when only in /etc/xdg/autostart.

Let me know if there is something which I didn't explain clearly... which is quite possible at the moment.

I suggest that the desktop files where the categories are commented should be copied to ~/.config/autostart so that they will not be rewritten if the program is updated.

About the files for pcmanfm... didn't know that. I always have files with permissions 644 and not 664.

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